
Pune Gangland: Gangster Ravi Pardeshi Fined for Tinted Windows at PMC Polling Booth

By India Crime Correspondent

PUNE, 8 July 2013

Police authorities took action against Ravi Pardeshi, the former leader of the Pardeshi gang, for a breach of regulations when he arrived at a Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) polling booth at Shramik Chowk in a car with tinted windows on Sunday.

The dark film on the car windows was promptly removed by the police. Pardeshi, known as Ravya Pardeshi, has a record of several criminal activities against him, including cases under the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA).

Police Intervention

Senior Police Inspector Bhanupratap Barge of the Faraskhana Police Station reported that Pardeshi’s wife holds a position as a sitting corporator in PMC from the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).

When Pardeshi visited the polling booth accompanied by his wife, the police’s suspicions were aroused.

Upon inspection of the vehicle, it was discovered that despite the Supreme Court (SC) ban on tinted windows, the car still had tinted windows. Police personnel promptly acted, removing the dark film from the windows.

After questioning Pardeshi in detail, he was released later in the afternoon with a strict warning.

By-Election Turnout

Despite the convenience of a Sunday, Ward No. 40 in Mangalwar Peth experienced a relatively low voter turnout of only 42.82 percent for the by-election.

Cause for By-Election

The by-election for this ward was necessitated when it was revealed that Kalpana Bahirat, who had previously won the seat on a Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) ticket in 2011, had submitted falsified documents, including a caste certificate, to contest the elections.

Following her disqualification, by-elections were announced.

Political Implications

The results of the by-polls will determine the fate of the leader of opposition for PMC.

The by-election featured a four-cornered contest, with candidates from the Congress, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and MNS vying for victory.

Voter Statistics

The ward had a total of 23,862 registered voters, spread across 29 polling stations. However, the voter turnout remained modest, with only 10,218 individuals casting their votes.

The Congress nominated Laxmi Ghodke, a runner-up from the 2011 civic elections.

MNS put forth Indumati Phulavare, a former NCP member. The NCP fielded Neelam Lalbegi, while the BJP selected Sandhya Barke as their candidate.

Political Implications

The MNS initially secured 29 seats in the PMC elections of 2011. However, following Bahirat’s disqualification, the party’s strength was reduced to 28.

The Congress also held 28 seats. Depending on the outcome of this by-election, either the MNS or the Congress could emerge as the leader of the opposition, with significant ramifications for the local political landscape.


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