Safety TipsSavdhan

Safety Tips For Citizens: Ensuring Safety of Your Home

Hire qualified / experienced watchmans only.

Check the antecedents / credentials of watchmans and domestic servants before hiring them.

Insist on references from their previous employers. Furnish their full particulars to your police station in the format suggested by them.

Always employ different watchmans for day and night duties

Secretaries of Societies are advised to brief all the security-men / watch-men / lift-men about various aspects of security. Some of these are:

  • To make an enquiry if a taxi or auto-rickshaw is seen parked inside the compound or outside the building for a long time.
  • o inform the police in case they find any vehicle parked inside the building (if ownership not known) for a long time

Secretaries of societies are advised to brief all residents on the following:

  • Whenever they employ a new servant, the local police station should be informed. His or her photographs, fingerprints and other details should be obtained and submitted to local police station.
  • They should be advised to install a door with iron bars inside the flat, superior quality night latches and special eye lens on the main door. Ideally, interaction with strangers and vendors should be through the grilled door. High wattage light source with pilfer proof cover outside the main door should be installed.
  • They should not keep huge amounts of cash, valuable ornaments etc., in the house.
  • They should avoid discussing money transactions and other important family matters in the presence of servants/outsiders.
  • They should not humiliate servants on petty matters. Nor should they penalize them for small damages.

It is important to inform the police about any suspicious happening or unclaimed object found in suspicious circumstances. Extend full cooperation to the police.

A special register should be maintained in every society and kept in the custody of the chowkidar or in the society’s office.

Whenever Police officers visit the area, they should get an entry in such registers.


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