
Pune Gangland: Surprising Political Move: Swati Mohol, Wife of Notorious Goon Sharad Mohol, Joins BJP

By India Crime Correspondent

Pune, 21st April 2023

In an unexpected twist, Swati Mohol, spouse of the well-known criminal Sharad Mohol, has officially aligned herself with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) within Pune.

The decision was unveiled yesterday as Swati Mohol formalized her membership amidst the presence of Chandrakant Patil, the Kothrud Assembly Constituency MLA and Minister.

Criminal Background Shadows Swati Mohol

This development emerges against the backdrop of several criminal cases implicated against Swati Mohol’s husband, Sharad Mohol, across various police precincts spanning Pune city and its rural domains.

His involvement in multiple crimes has culminated in his incarceration, currently confined to Yerawada Jail.

A notable event during his imprisonment involved the killing of terror accused Qatil Siddiqui.

Delayed Entrance Amidst Speculation

Previous conjecture had hinted at Swati Mohol’s prospective affiliation with the BJP, potentially alongside the then BJP State President, Chandrakant Patil.

However, logistical complexities prevented the party from solidifying this endeavor at that juncture.

Notably, the recent BJP event saw the presence of distinguished figures including BJP city president Jagdish Mulik, former mayor Muralidhar Mohol, and other prominent party members.

Controversial Link Sparks Debate

Swati Mohol’s integration into the BJP’s ranks has evoked curiosity and controversy, potentially exposing the party to criticism from opposition factions.

The opposition’s scrutiny might center on the decision to admit the wife of an infamous criminal into their political fold.

The coming days are anticipated to bring forth responses from the BJP camp, outlining their perspective on the matter.

This move carries implications for Pune city’s political landscape, hinting at potential shifts on the horizon.


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